Audio Block
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Audio Block
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Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

My Studio

  • 198sqft sound studio 3x6ft booth

  • C414 XL II

  • Azden sgm 1X

  • Universal Audio Volt 276

  • Adobe Audition

  • Zoom, Discord, Google Meet, and more.

  • Her voice is transformative

    Maria is an absolute delight to work with. Anyone would be lucky to have the privilege to work in the same booth as her. She brings talent, sincerity, and professionalism to every room she is in, and all of those qualities radiate through the microphone. Her voice is transformative, her spirit is soothing, and her ethic is unmatched.

    — Leah Ryan | Voice Actor

About Maria Damianou Voiceover

About maria

confident luxuriouS warm voice

Maria Damianou is a Brooklyn born dual citizen female voice actor, musician, and interdisciplinary artist. She operates in her home studio based in Trumbull, CT. 

From behind the scenes to performing on stage, Maria has participated in a variety of productions from opera, e-learning, to indie animation. With years of classical training and performance she has incredible range, stamina, and understanding of the voice welcoming any challenge behind the mic.

Maria’s interdisciplinary practice has played a significant role in connecting and creating authentic storytelling. Along with her work in the arts, she has a background in chemistry, and is a licensed EMT.

Her training includes classes, 1:1 coaching, and workshops with Jennifer Hale, Steve Blum, Brian Palermo, Sara Cravens, Emma-Sherr Ziarko, Trine Jensen, Liisa Lee, and Chris Ciulla.

Fresh ideas, improv skills, dynamic voice.

Let’s connect

Thank you for visiting my site and maybe we’ll work together in the future. Have questions, requests, want to collaborate?

Contact me via the contact form, email link, direct message @mariadvoice. Look forward to connecting with you.